• IMMULITE 2000 XPi Immunoassay System
    • IMMULITE 2000 XPi Immunoassay System - Picture 2
    • IMMULITE 2000 XPi Immunoassay System - Picture 3
    • IMMULITE 2000 XPi Immunoassay System - Picture 4
    • IMMULITE 2000 XPi Immunoassay System
    • IMMULITE 2000 XPi Immunoassay System - Picture 2
    • IMMULITE 2000 XPi Immunoassay System - Picture 3
    • IMMULITE 2000 XPi Immunoassay System - Picture 4

    IMMULITE 2000 XPi Immunoassay System

    Manufacturer:Siemens Healthineers

    Specialist consultation

    +38 (044) 223 14 06


    IMMULITE 2000 XPi ® Immunoassay System

    The Immulite 2000 XPi is an automated analytical system with a wide menu of tests covering 16 diseases including anemia, cardiac, diabetes, growth, metabolism, reproductive endocrinology, thyroid, TORCH and infectious diseases, as well as approximately 500 specific allergens. A particular advantage of the Immulite 2000 XPi is its low total cost of ownership along with unrivaled reliability of results.

    The analyzer is capable of performing third-generation allergy diagnostic tests. Quantitative determination of allergen-specific immunoglobulin concentrations in the ultra-low range. This unique technique allows to detect the presence of allergy and identify the main factors of its development in the early stages of the disease, as well as to avoid misdiagnosis of allergy or its cause at low levels of immunoglobulin. Enzyme-enhanced chemiluminescence technology provides the analyzer with high accuracy and reproducibility.


    The system performs up to 200 non-allergic tests per hour, and the refrigerated compartment holds up to 24 reagent plates, 200 tests per plate, allowing for up to 4800 tests.

    Self-starting daily, the analyzer performs daily maintenance and quality control checks in just 15 minutes, eliminating the need for hands-on operator work.

    Ability to work with micro sample volumes

    The system is operated via touch screen or keyboard and mouse

    New or urgent samples can be added at any time, and urgent tests can be run immediately

    Barcoding allows you to automatically receive information about the loaded samples

    The screen constantly displays the reagents on board, the calibration status of each kit, and the amount of waste.

    The reference curve parameters are included in the barcode of each reagent kit. This is used for automatic calibration, the frequency of which depends on the type of test.

    The system performs quality control using Levy-Jennings plots and Westgard rules



    Test ThroughputUp to 200 tests per hour in batch or random-access mode
    Methods on board24
    Sample positionsRacks with 15 positions. Maximum 90 samples.Constant refilling
    Sample quality controlPressure sensor with clot detection and marking
    Reagent cooling2 – 8 С°
    Stability of reagents on board90 days
    AnemiaEPO, Ferritin, Folate, RBC Folate, Vitamin B12
    CardiacCKMB, D-Dimer, High-Sensitivity CRP, Myoglobin, NT-proBNP, Troponin I
    GrowthGrowth Hormone (hGH), IGF-I, IGFBP-3
    OncologyAFP, CA 125 (OM-MA), CA 15-3 (BR-MA), CA 19-9 (GI-MA), Calcitonin, CEA, Free PSA, PAP, PSA
    Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM)Carbamazepine, Digitoxin, Digoxin, Phenobarbital, Phenytoin, Theophylline, Valproic Acid
    TORCHCMV IgG, CMV IgM, Herpes I & II IgG, Rubella IgG, Rubella IgM, Toxoplasma IgG, Toxoplasma IgM
    Time to the first result35 minutes
    Sample tubes12 - 16 mm diameter, 75 - 100 mm height, 10 x 50 mm microtubes
    Sample typeSerum, plasma, urine - depending on the method
    Reagent positions24
    Preparation of reagentsNot applicable
    AllergyAlaTOP Allergy Screen, Allergen-Specific IgE 3gAllergy™, Allergen-Specific IgG, Allergen-Specific IgG4, ECP, IgE Total
    Bone MetabolismOsteocalcin, Pyrilinks-D
    DiabetesC-Peptide, Insulin, Microalbumin
    HepatitisHBsAb, HBsAb Quantitative, HBc IgM, HBc Total, HBsAg, HBsAg Confirmatory
    Reproductive EndocrinologyAndrostenedione, DHEAS, Estradiol, Free Beta HCG, FSH, hCG, LH, PAPP-A, Progesterone, Prolactin, SHBG, Testosterone, Unconjugated Estriol
    ThyroidAnti-TG, Anti-TPO, Free T3, Free T4, Intact PTH, T Uptake, Thyroid Binding Globulin (TBG), Thyroglobulin (Tg), Total T3, Total T4, TSH, TSH 3rd Generation, TSI (Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobin)
    Special IDEBV-EBNA IgG, EBV-VCA IgG, EBV-VCA IgM, H. pylori IgG, Syphilis

    Service and Warranty

    We provide premium service and maintenance for every device and consumable:


    Comprehensive maintenance of medical equipment

    Installations, commissioning

    Warranty and post-warranty service

    Instruction, training and consultations for your team


    More details on the SERVICE page


    Contacts for communication:


    Contact phone+38 (067) 120 95 75