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  • The epoc ®Test Card - Empirica
  • The epoc ®Test Card - Picture 2 - Empirica
  • The epoc ®Test Card - Picture 3 - Empirica
  • The epoc ®Test Card - Empirica
  • The epoc ®Test Card - Picture 2 - Empirica
  • The epoc ®Test Card - Picture 3 - Empirica

The epoc ®Test Card

Manufacturer:Siemens Healthineers

Specialist consultation

+38 (044) 223 14 06


The epoc ®Test Card

The epoc® test cards are designed for the determination of blood gases, electrolytes and metabolites using portable Epoc® Blood Analysis System manufactured by Siemens Healthineers company.

The epoc® Test Card

  • Is a single-use device with port for blood sample introduction
  • Contains array of sensors on a Sensor Module
  • Contains calibration fluid within sealed reservoir
  • Generates electrical signals proportional to analyte concentrations in sample
  • Uses Barcode to identify Card Type, “Use By” Date, Serial and Lot Number


  • Efficient use of consumables - cards are consumed only at the time of testing
  • Storage of measuring cards at room temperature
  • Secure system of fixing the measuring card eliminates the possibility of system breakdown due to possible operator errors

Reliable packaging and guarantee of proper delivery conditions

Each single use Test Card is packaged by the manufacturer into a card pouch, which also contains one (1) strip of desiccant. Twenty-five  (25) card pouches are packed into boxes of 25 cards, that are packed into larger shipping cartons. 

Delivery control is guaranteed by the presence of high temperature and low temperature indicators in each shipping box. This ensures proper storage and transportation, prevents the use of inoperable tests, and guarantees high reliability and quality of the analyzes performed.


Measured parameterspH, pCO2, pO2, Sodium Na+, Potassium K+, Ionized Calcium Ca++, Chloride Cl-, Total Carbon Dioxide TCO2, Glucose Glu, Lactate Lac, Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Urea, Creatinine Crea, Hematocrit Hct.
Sample volume90 µl of whole blood
Sample collection methodsSyringes, Evacuated Tubes, Capillary Tubes
Storage temperature15-30 °C
Weight6.3 ± 0.3 grams
Calculated ParametersBicarbonate cHCO3-, Calculated Total Carbon Dioxide cTCO2, Base excess BE, Oxygen saturation cSO2, Alveolar Oxygen A, Arterial Alveolar Oxygen Tension Gradient A-a, Arterial Alveolar Oxygen Tension Ratio a/A, Anion Gap AGap, AGapK, Estimated Glomerular Filtration
Sample typeFresh whole blood from arterial, venous, or capillary sources
Expiration date on each cardYes
Dimensions86(L) × 54(W) × 1.4(H) mm
SizeL86 mm × W54mm × H1.4mm

Service and Warranty

We provide premium service and maintenance for every device and consumable:


Comprehensive maintenance of medical equipment

Installations, commissioning

Warranty and post-warranty service

Instruction, training and consultations for your team


More details on the SERVICE page


Contacts for communication:


Contact phone+38 (067) 133 05 52