• TRUPCR® BRAF Mutation Kit - Empirica
  • TRUPCR® BRAF Mutation Kit - Picture 2 - Empirica
  • TRUPCR® BRAF Mutation Kit - Picture 3 - Empirica
  • TRUPCR® BRAF Mutation Kit - Picture 4 - Empirica
  • TRUPCR® BRAF Mutation Kit - Empirica
  • TRUPCR® BRAF Mutation Kit - Picture 2 - Empirica
  • TRUPCR® BRAF Mutation Kit - Picture 3 - Empirica
  • TRUPCR® BRAF Mutation Kit - Picture 4 - Empirica

TRUPCR® BRAF Mutation Kit

Country:United Kingdom

Specialist consultation

+38 (067) 880 44 83


The TRUPCR® BRAF Mutation Kit is an in vitro diagnostic test intended for the qualitative detection of BRAF somatic mutations in genomic DNA extracted from fresh, frozen or formalin fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue.


The TRUPCR® BRAF mutation kit is based on allele specific amplification and is achieved by ARMS PCR. Taq DNA polymerase is extremely effective at distinguishing between a match and a mismatch at the 3’-end of a PCR primer. The kit is designed to selectively amplify mutant specific sequences in samples that contain a mixture of wild-type and mutated DNA. The most common mutations are found in codon 600. The detection is achieved using fluorescent probes labelled with FAM and HEX. The TRUPCR® BRAF Kit is composed of 7 assays for the detection of the BRAF mutations and a reference control gene of BRAF region without any known polymorphism/mutation.


Key Features

Selective Amplification of DNA containing mutation with ARMS Technology.

Sensitive to detect up to 1% mutation in BRAF gene.

Detects 7 different mutations in a single run.

Extraction control included to avoid false-negative results.

Rapid, more reliable, comprehensive and cost effective tests.

Easy work flow & compatible with various Real-time PCR instruments.


3B1287 – 24 tests

3B128848 tests


Analysis typeQualitative
Number of tests24 / 48
Instruments▪ Applied Biosystems™ 7500, ▪ StepOne and StepOnePlus, ▪ QuantStudio® 3, 5 та 12, ▪ Rotor-Gene Q, ▪ Bio-Rad CFX96, CFX384, ▪ AriaMx Real-Time PCR, ▪ Roche - LightCycler® 480 -II, ▪ Line gene K real time PCR
Regulatory statusCE IVD
Required detection channelsFAM, HEX/VIC
Storageat -20°C until ready to use and keep on ice during use

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